50,000th Lely Astronaut
The year 1992 marked a moment of true revolution for dairy farming: the first working prototype of a fully automated milking system. It stood for a whole new way of milking and farming. Therefore, it is no surprise that dairy farmers consider this the most important dairy-farming invention of the 20th century. Now, 31 years later, the 50,000th Astronaut has been installed!
Pictured: Andre van Troost, David Cargill and Charlotte Oloughlin.

Australian Dairy Conference
We can look back on a very successful Australian Dairy Conference (ADC), where we spoke and connected with numerous rural professionals and dairy farmers from all over Australia. It was an impressive event organised for farmers, by farmers, with appealing stories and presentations from the agricultural industry.
Pictured: Jake Connor, Rene van Dalen, Jessica Spratt and Wil van Vorstenbosch.

Farmer Sound Board:
connect & grow
We held the fourth edition of the Farmer Sound Board in Luxembourg. The feedback we gain from selected farmers, coming from various backgrounds, is always valuable. Our primary focus is to learn first-hand how we operate and deliver our solutions and services. Together with fellow competence teams we validated topics. The outcomes will be incorporated into team roadmaps, and we expect to achieve some quick wins in the short term. We look back on two inspiring and successful days.

Week of Circularity
Circularity is aligned with our innovative character and provides us with a great opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint. To give circularity the attention it deserves, Lely participated in the Week of Circularity from 11 to 15 March. Over 260 colleagues engaged in inspiring sessions, including workshops and presentations, to reflect on how circularity shapes our approach towards a sustainable future – both on our customers’ farms and as an organisation. Plans are already being made to organise another Week of Circularity next year, on a global level.

First international onboarding
On 4 April, our first international onboarding took place to welcome international newcomers to Lely. In an online session, we presented Lely’s international structure, played a video showcasing our campus and factory, and wrapped up with a quiz. It was great to see so many enthusiastic new colleagues contributing to a successful interactive session. We look forward to welcoming more international colleagues soon!

Australian Dairy Conference
We can look back on a very successful Australian Dairy Conference (ADC), where we spoke and connected with numerous rural professionals and dairy farmers from all over Australia. It was an impressive event organised for farmers, by farmers, with appealing stories and presentations from the agricultural industry.
Pictured: Jake Connor, Rene van Dalen, Jessica Spratt and Wil van Vorstenbosch.

Farmer Sound Board:
connect & grow
We held the fourth edition of the Farmer Sound Board in Luxembourg. The feedback we gain from selected farmers, coming from various backgrounds, is always valuable. Our primary focus is to learn first-hand how we operate and deliver our solutions and services. Together with fellow competence teams we validated topics. The outcomes will be incorporated into team roadmaps, and we expect to achieve some quick wins in the short term. We look back on two inspiring and successful days.

50,000th Lely Astronaut
The year 1992 marked a moment of true revolution for dairy farming: the first working prototype of a fully automated milking system. It stood for a whole new way of milking and farming. Therefore, it is no surprise that dairy farmers consider this the most important dairy-farming invention of the 20th century. Now, 31 years later, the 50,000th Astronaut has been installed!
Pictured: Andre van Troost, David Cargill and Charlotte Oloughlin.

Week of Circularity
Circularity is aligned with our innovative character and provides us with a great opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint. To give circularity the attention it deserves, Lely participated in the Week of Circularity from 11 to 15 March. Over 260 colleagues engaged in inspiring sessions, including workshops and presentations, to reflect on how circularity shapes our approach towards a sustainable future – both on our customers’ farms and as an organisation. Plans are already being made to organise another Week of Circularity next year, on a global level.

First international onboarding
On 4 April, our first international onboarding took place to welcome international newcomers to Lely. In an online session, we presented Lely’s international structure, played a video showcasing our campus and factory, and wrapped up with a quiz. It was great to see so many enthusiastic new colleagues contributing to a successful interactive session. We look forward to welcoming more international colleagues soon!