Cluster North America

Ag in the City – Pella
This July, agriculture was celebrated in Pella, with the return of an event called ‘Ag in the City’. This event highlights the industry with various activities, educational displays, farm equipment, businesses, and food vendors. Lely was there too, of course. ‘We had several people tell us we were their favourite booth. That might have had something to do with the cheese sticks, magic cups, ice- cream coupons, sidewalk chalk, and door prices. But I think it was the excitement, fun and energy our volunteers exuded about Lely. Some of our own Lely team showed up in support and brought their families.’ Great effort and thanks go to all who volunteered.

Fill the pasture
For the past few years, the Pella office and production teams have made a collective effort to collect food for the local foodbank. In 2020 we held a ‘Fill the Pasture’ event and we donated 476 food items – almost double the number donated in the previous year.
This year, we decided to ‘Fill the pasture – Again!’ Our goal was to collect 500 items to donate to the Pella Community Food Shelf. The enthusiasm was overwhelming and employees even started a fierce, but friendly, competition. After two weeks of collecting goods, our grand total this year was 1,543 items. It was a fantastic collaborative event. We celebrated our success with an employee lunch. We are happy we came together as a OneLely team and could make a positive contribution to the community.

On Wednesday 8th and Wednesday 15th September 2021, the Danish Lely Centers held a series of open farm days.
Six farmers, from across Denmark, opened their doors to welcome visitors to see the Lely equipment and systems at work on their units. The events attracted many visitors and the interest was not only just about the Astronaut but all Lely equipment and innovations.

Mammutmarsch – everything is possible
In July three of our colleagues from Cluster DACH (FMS,TSS & CPS) joined the ‘Mammutmarsch’ in Munich. The goal of the march is to walk 100 kilometers in 24 hours with the mission – to show that everything is possible.
Bravely they went out, and faced all kinds of weather conditions. But they had a lot of fun and it was a great experience to join that event. Finally, we had one little mammoth (Dagmar – 60 km in 12:45 hours) and two really big mammoths (Carolin & Christian – 100 km in 22:32 hours). #FitatLely
Cluster North East
Cluster Dach

Webinar buying a milking robot and the start-up process
In June 2021, the Cluster Benelux organised a webinar in collaboration with Lely Center Bunschoten. This webinar focused on two topics: what does a dairy farmer need to consider when buying a milking robot and how does Lely support the start-up process. During the webinar, viewers were taken through various areas on the farm of dairy farmer Niek van der Horst and how he experienced this process as a customer. Colleagues from various departments within the Cluster and Lely Center worked together intensively to prepare this. The aim was to highlight the level of support both during and after the start-up process and to inform potential Astronaut users about what Lely can do for them. With more than 155 viewers, and an average viewing time of 41 minutes, this was a great success. Get an impression of the webinar by watching the video clip (Dutch spoken, English subtitles).

International animal production exhibition: the SPACE in Rennes
From 14th to 16th September 2021, the Lely France Cluster took part in the international animal production exhibition: the SPACE in Rennes. Cancelled last year due to Covid, SPACE had about 74,000 visitors for this year’s reunion.
At the Lely stand, visitors were able to discover the full range of products: Discovery, Juno, Vector and Astronaut. The Lely Vector was in the spotlight with a dynamic platform to welcome visitors.
There was also a space dedicated to Horizon to introduce the new software to breeders and answer all their questions. All Lely France teams and farmers were happy to meet each other in person again and 2022 promises to be a great year.
Cluster France & Iberia

UK Dairy Day – first live event since 18 months
Lely Atlantic were the associate sponsor for the UK Dairy Day on Wednesday the 15th of September at the International Center in Telford, Shropshire.
Hosted in conjunction with the Lely Center Midlands team, the purpose of this event was to network with visitors who are considering farming innovations. Having products on the stand allowed visitors to get up close and personal with the robots and gave them the opportunity to ask questions and find out the efficiencies each robot can bring to their farms.
The products on the stand were as follows: the Lely Astronaut automatic milking system, Lely Discovery Collector, Lely Juno automatic feed pusher and the Lely Luna cow brush.
This event was also attended by members of the Lely Center Longtown team and Lely Center Yoevil team who spoke to visitors from their respective regions.
Overall the day was a great success with a lot of visitors asking questions and who were interested in Lely products – needless to say it wasn’t just the coffee and cupcakes that pulled them onto the stand ;-) It just great to see events are back considering everything that has gone on over the last 18 months!

Dairy Conference and Exhibition in China
This year the biggest dairy exhibition in China took place in the Hefei Binhu International & Convention Center, from 17 until 19 July. Some facts and figures about this exhibition include:
- More than 600 exhibitors
- 80,000 square metres of stand space
- 50,000 visitors in 2021
Lely attended this event for the second time. We have spoken with a lot of dairy farmers and different TV shows to showcase the products and solutions we have for the Chinese market. At our stand, we displayed our Lely Astronaut A5, Lely Juno and the Lely Luna.

Lely Service provider in South Australia – O’Brien Electrical Goolwa
Lely Australia is pleased to announce its new partnership with O’Brien Electrical Goolwa, taking control as the new Service Provider for Lely farms in South Australia. Its experience and knowledge within the region will be pivotal to the ongoing success for robotic farming and we look forward to building a successful future together.

South Island Agricultural Field Days and National Field days
Lely New Zealand attended the South Island Agricultural Field Days and National Field days, which are two of the New Zealand’s largest and oldest agricultural events. Looking back on the days, we had an excellent experience and had the pleasure of hosting many visitors to our site. We fielded numerous enquiries about our innovative products, particularly the A5 robot, Juno Flex feed pusher and the Calm automated calf rearing system.

Lely New Zealand Pairs up with Women's Dairy Network
Lely New Zealand is thrilled to announce their partnership with the Women's Dairy Network (DWN). Like Lely, it is driven to meet the demands of the industry and make farmers’ lives easier. We are looking forward to developing the relationship between the two organisations to suit the changing needs of the primary industries sector.


Ag in the City – Pella
This July, agriculture was celebrated in Pella, with the return of an event called ‘Ag in the City’. This event highlights the industry with various activities, educational displays, farm equipment, businesses, and food vendors. Lely was there too, of course. ‘We had several people tell us we were their favourite booth. That might have had something to do with the cheese sticks, magic cups, ice- cream coupons, sidewalk chalk, and door prices. But I think it was the excitement, fun and energy our volunteers exuded about Lely. Some of our own Lely team showed up in support and brought their families.’ Great effort and thanks go to all who volunteered.

Fill the pasture
For the past few years, the Pella office and production teams have made a collective effort to collect food for the local foodbank. In 2020 we held a ‘Fill the Pasture’ event and we donated 476 food items – almost double the number donated in the previous year.
This year, we decided to ‘Fill the pasture – Again!’ Our goal was to collect 500 items to donate to the Pella Community Food Shelf. The enthusiasm was overwhelming and employees even started a fierce, but friendly, competition. After two weeks of collecting goods, our grand total this year was 1,543 items. It was a fantastic collaborative event. We celebrated our success with an employee lunch. We are happy we came together as a OneLely team and could make a positive contribution to the community.
Cluster North America
On Wednesday 8th and Wednesday 15th September 2021, the Danish Lely Centers held a series of open farm days.
Six farmers, from across Denmark, opened their doors to welcome visitors to see the Lely equipment and systems at work on their units. The events attracted many visitors and the interest was not only just about the Astronaut but all Lely equipment and innovations.
Cluster North East

Mammutmarsch – everything is possible
In July three of our colleagues from Cluster DACH (FMS,TSS & CPS) joined the ‘Mammutmarsch’ in Munich. The goal of the march is to walk 100 kilometers in 24 hours with the mission – to show that everything is possible.
Bravely they went out, and faced all kinds of weather conditions. But they had a lot of fun and it was a great experience to join that event. Finally, we had one little mammoth (Dagmar – 60 km in 12:45 hours) and two really big mammoths (Carolin & Christian – 100 km in 22:32 hours). #FitatLely
Cluster Dach
Webinar buying a milking robot and the start-up process
In June 2021, the Cluster Benelux organised a webinar in collaboration with Lely Center Bunschoten. This webinar focused on two topics: what does a dairy farmer need to consider when buying a milking robot and how does Lely support the start-up process. During the webinar, viewers were taken through various areas on the farm of dairy farmer Niek van der Horst and how he experienced this process as a customer. Colleagues from various departments within the Cluster and Lely Center worked together intensively to prepare this. The aim was to highlight the level of support both during and after the start-up process and to inform potential Astronaut users about what Lely can do for them. With more than 155 viewers, and an average viewing time of 41 minutes, this was a great success. Get an impression of the webinar by watching the video clip (Dutch spoken, English subtitles).
International animal production exhibition: the SPACE in Rennes
From 14th to 16th September 2021, the Lely France Cluster took part in the international animal production exhibition: the SPACE in Rennes. Cancelled last year due to Covid, SPACE had about 74,000 visitors for this year’s reunion.
At the Lely stand, visitors were able to discover the full range of products: Discovery, Juno, Vector and Astronaut. The Lely Vector was in the spotlight with a dynamic platform to welcome visitors.
There was also a space dedicated to Horizon to introduce the new software to breeders and answer all their questions. All Lely France teams and farmers were happy to meet each other in person again and 2022 promises to be a great year.

UK Dairy Day – first live event since 18 months
Lely Atlantic were the associate sponsor for the UK Dairy Day on Wednesday the 15th of September at the International Center in Telford, Shropshire.
Hosted in conjunction with the Lely Center Midlands team, the purpose of this event was to network with visitors who are considering farming innovations. Having products on the stand allowed visitors to get up close and personal with the robots and gave them the opportunity to ask questions and find out the efficiencies each robot can bring to their farms.
The products on the stand were as follows: the Lely Astronaut automatic milking system, Lely Discovery Collector, Lely Juno automatic feed pusher and the Lely Luna cow brush.
This event was also attended by members of the Lely Center Longtown team and Lely Center Yoevil team who spoke to visitors from their respective regions.
Overall the day was a great success with a lot of visitors asking questions and who were interested in Lely products – needless to say it wasn’t just the coffee and cupcakes that pulled them onto the stand ;-) It just great to see events are back considering everything that has gone on over the last 18 months!
Cluster France & Iberia

Dairy Conference and Exhibition in China
This year the biggest dairy exhibition in China took place in the Hefei Binhu International & Convention Center, from 17 until 19 July. Some facts and figures about this exhibition include:
- More than 600 exhibitors
- 80,000 square metres of stand space
- 50,000 visitors in 2021
Lely attended this event for the second time. We have spoken with a lot of dairy farmers and different TV shows to showcase the products and solutions we have for the Chinese market. At our stand, we displayed our Lely Astronaut A5, Lely Juno and the Lely Luna.

Lely Service provider in South Australia – O’Brien Electrical Goolwa
Lely Australia is pleased to announce its new partnership with O’Brien Electrical Goolwa, taking control as the new Service Provider for Lely farms in South Australia. Its experience and knowledge within the region will be pivotal to the ongoing success for robotic farming and we look forward to building a successful future together.
Lely New Zealand Pairs up with Women's Dairy Network
Lely New Zealand is thrilled to announce their partnership with the Women's Dairy Network (DWN). Like Lely, it is driven to meet the demands of the industry and make farmers’ lives easier. We are looking forward to developing the relationship between the two organisations to suit the changing needs of the primary industries sector.

South Island Agricultural Field Days and National Field days
Lely New Zealand attended the South Island Agricultural Field Days and National Field days, which are two of the New Zealand’s largest and oldest agricultural events. Looking back on the days, we had an excellent experience and had the pleasure of hosting many visitors to our site. We fielded numerous enquiries about our innovative products, particularly the A5 robot, Juno Flex feed pusher and the Calm automated calf rearing system.