*Preliminary result, CO2 impact now 95% clear
This year, Lely reduced its CO2 emissions by 3,681 tonnes*. This brings the total CO2 emissions of our activities to 6,421 tonnes, which is comparable to the yearly emissions of 855 European households. Included in this measurement are emissions from electricity, heating, company cars and business flights. Especially in the reduction of our electricity emissions, we made a big step last year by switching to green electricity on the Campus. The ultimate goal is to reduce our emission to zero.

*Preliminary result, CO2 impact now 95% clear

This year, Lely reduced its CO2 emissions by 3,681 tonnes*. This brings the total CO2 emissions of our activities to 6,421 tonnes, which is comparable to the yearly emissions of 855 European households. Included in this measurement are emissions from electricity, heating, company cars and business flights. Especially in the reduction of our electricity emissions, we made a big step last year by switching to green electricity on the Campus. The ultimate goal is to reduce our emission to zero.