Lelyterra power harrow

Agriculture is a dynamic sector with an essential role: the world population is growing and by 2050 there are estimated to be 9 billion mouths to feed. That requires 70% more food.
Dairy farming worldwide is faced with the challenge of producing more and more efficiently. Without loss of quality, in a sustainable and innovative way, with respect for people and animals.
At Lely, we are happy to make a valuable contribution to this and help our farmers with their important task. This really makes me want to get out of bed every day!
However, when it comes to happiness at work, it's not just about increased sales and growing Lely for me. As a company, we also want to make a valuable contribution to society and to the planet. Making a real impact. We are active in a wonderful market. We help produce food better, in a way that is better not only for the farmer but also for the cow, the environment, and our planet. And thus for the consumer.
As farmers' sons, they knew that this is essentially what it's all about: making the most of your time. Because if there is one thing you can't buy, it's time. With that in mind, they made unique inventions and were incredibly innovative. Take the Lelyterra power harrow for example. A machine with which you could prepare the seed bed faster and better than in the traditional way. The farmer could do the work in less time, and the time he saved could be used for other things.
The power harrow gave a huge boost to Lely's growth. Customers were extremely happy with this new way of working. And there is nothing better than satisfied customers! Successes like this allowed Lely to grow enormously as a company.
When my father and uncle started our company in 1948, they had a clear goal in mind: to make life on the farm easier and more efficient, and to produce more food in the time available.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board & Shareholder


Lelyterra power harrow

Agriculture is a dynamic sector with an essential role: the world population is growing and by 2050 there are estimated to be 9 billion mouths to feed. That requires 70% more food.
Dairy farming worldwide is faced with the challenge of producing more and more efficiently. Without loss of quality, in a sustainable and innovative way, with respect for people and animals.
At Lely, we are happy to make a valuable contribution to this and help our farmers with their important task. This really makes me want to get out of bed every day!
However, when it comes to happiness at work, it's not just about increased sales and growing Lely for me. As a company, we also want to make a valuable contribution to society and to the planet. Making a real impact. We are active in a wonderful market. We help produce food better, in a way that is better not only for the farmer but also for the cow, the environment, and our planet. And thus for the consumer.
As farmers' sons, they knew that this is essentially what it's all about: making the most of your time. Because if there is one thing you can't buy, it's time. With that in mind, they made unique inventions and were incredibly innovative. Take the Lelyterra power harrow for example. A machine with which you could prepare the seed bed faster and better than in the traditional way. The farmer could do the work in less time, and the time he saved could be used for other things.
The power harrow gave a huge boost to Lely's growth. Customers were extremely happy with this new way of working. And there is nothing better than satisfied customers! Successes like this allowed Lely to grow enormously as a company.
When my father and uncle started our company in 1948, they had a clear goal in mind: to make life on the farm easier and more efficient, and to produce more food in the time available.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board & Shareholder