Lely on air
In Germany, you can hear our feeding specialist live on radio! It’s the first time Lely Germany has used this medium in its aim to reach farmers outside of our ‘Lely bubble’.
#lelyonair #lelyradio
Meet our Lely Team that attended the AgroExpo International Agriculture and Livestock. In this video, all LCs share their experiences at this lively fair.
#agroexpo #meetlely

At Lely, we value an open discussion and transparency. On the 22th of March, seven of our colleagues asked our CEO André van Troost all their questions during the Board Talk, which is organised several times a year. A different board member joins each time. We find it very important to know what is going on within our company and that everyone can share their opinion, think along, ask questions and that we can be open with each other about how we approach things.
Would you like to join the Board Talk next time? Stay tuned through intranet updates!
#boardtalk #staytuned

Horizon community
Last year, we launched our own online platform to bring our customers together to share knowledge, questions, ideas and tips about the use of the Horizon programme. In this pilot phase, the Lely Horizon Support Community successfully united some 200 farmers from three different clusters. With these learnings in hand, we now aim to roll out into more areas and add other solutions to the Lely portfolio!

Smart feeding tour
The Lely Smart Feeding truck is on the road again! In the coming months, Lely will visit farmers throughout Europe to start the conversation on the advantages of smart feeding and share information and experiences about feed management, the needs of different herds and cow health.
#smartfeedingtour #lelyontheroad
Must-see: new video Lely Solutions
Watch the new video about all our solutions. At Lely, we have supported dairy farmers since 1948 through innovative solutions that ensure a sustainable, enjoyable and profitable future. They all centre around the cow, as everything starts with her. Working with our integrated solutions, dairy farmers can rely on the dedicated support of our global network of Lely Centers.
Together we support dairy farmers in feeding the world in a sustainable manner, while caring for their cows and the planet, now and in the future.
#lelysolutions #feedtheworld

Minister of Agriculture visits Lely Campus
In the Netherlands, the discussion about farmers' nitrogen emissions is running high. The government is currently formulating a plan to substantially reduce nitrogen emissions in the sector. A much-heard option is to reduce the number of livestock, but Lely is convinced that innovation is a better solution. On 4 April, Dutch Minister Henk Staghouwer of Agriculture visited the Lely Campus. He was invited to become acquainted with innovations that make future-proof, circular agriculture possible. The visit led to an open discussion with our CEO André van Troost in which critical notes were also taken. Is the Ministry also taking innovation as a serious option to make the sector more sustainable? The Minister stressed that he had certainly not accepted this invitation without reason. 'Your message is clear and just like you, I am committed to future-proof agriculture.'
#lely #farminginnovators #nitrogen #topsector
Opening Lely Park Campus
March 29th was the first day at the new Lely Park for many of our Pella colleagues. A new building brings new energy! What a beauty the Lely Park Campus is, right? Our Lely Park campus here in Pella will serve as the new hub of Lely’s activities in North America.


Lely on air
In Germany, you can hear our feeding specialist live on radio! It’s the first time Lely Germany has used this medium in its aim to reach farmers outside of our ‘Lely bubble’.
#lelyonair #lelyradio
Meet our Lely Team that attended the AgroExpo International Agriculture and Livestock. In this video, all LCs share their experiences at this lively fair.
#agroexpo #meetlely

At Lely, we value an open discussion and transparency. On the 22th of March, seven of our colleagues asked our CEO André van Troost all their questions during the Board Talk, which is organised several times a year. A different board member joins each time. We find it very important to know what is going on within our company and that everyone can share their opinion, think along, ask questions and that we can be open with each other about how we approach things.
Would you like to join the Board Talk next time? Stay tuned through intranet updates!
#boardtalk #staytuned

Horizon community
Last year, we launched our own online platform to bring our customers together to share knowledge, questions, ideas and tips about the use of the Horizon programme. In this pilot phase, the Lely Horizon Support Community successfully united some 200 farmers from three different clusters. With these learnings in hand, we now aim to roll out into more areas and add other solutions to the Lely portfolio!

Smart feeding tour
The Lely Smart Feeding truck is on the road again! In the coming months, Lely will visit farmers throughout Europe to start the conversation on the advantages of smart feeding and share information and experiences about feed management, the needs of different herds and cow health.
#smartfeedingtour #lelyontheroad
Must-see: new video Lely Solutions
Watch the new video about all our solutions. At Lely, we have supported dairy farmers since 1948 through innovative solutions that ensure a sustainable, enjoyable and profitable future. They all centre around the cow, as everything starts with her. Working with our integrated solutions, dairy farmers can rely on the dedicated support of our global network of Lely Centers.
Together we support dairy farmers in feeding the world in a sustainable manner, while caring for their cows and the planet, now and in the future.
#lelysolutions #feedtheworld

Minister of Agriculture visits Lely Campus
In the Netherlands, the discussion about farmers' nitrogen emissions is running high. The government is currently formulating a plan to substantially reduce nitrogen emissions in the sector. A much-heard option is to reduce the number of livestock, but Lely is convinced that innovation is a better solution. On 4 April, Dutch Minister Henk Staghouwer of Agriculture visited the Lely Campus. He was invited to become acquainted with innovations that make future-proof, circular agriculture possible. The visit led to an open discussion with our CEO André van Troost in which critical notes were also taken. Is the Ministry also taking innovation as a serious option to make the sector more sustainable? The Minister stressed that he had certainly not accepted this invitation without reason. 'Your message is clear and just like you, I am committed to future-proof agriculture.'
#lely #farminginnovators #nitrogen #topsector
Opening Lely Park Campus
March 29th was the first day at the new Lely Park for many of our Pella colleagues. A new building brings new energy! What a beauty the Lely Park Campus is, right? Our Lely Park campus here in Pella will serve as the new hub of Lely’s activities in North America.