Cluster North America
North America's 5,000th Lely Astronaut
This autumn, Lely is celebrating a key milestone in robotic milking with the installation of North America's 5,000th Lely Astronaut. We are excited to celebrate with the Lely Centers and dairy farmers, who have worked hard every day to help us reach this point. Our team is proud to sign our names on this historic robot. Stay tuned to witness this robot’s journey and delivery to its new owners!

Bright farming around the corner
Due to Covid-19 restrictions Lely Benelux rolled out an alternative to large face-to-face exhibitions and lead generation. Together with the six Lely Centers in the Netherlands, the Cluster organised small scale events under the name 'Bright farming around the corner'. Local, small-scale, events were organised at customers’ dairy farms.
Planned from September to December 2020, some unfortunately had to be postponed due to changing Covid-19 measures. But, that doesn’t mean that the events were cancelled entirely. One on one sessions with farmers that registered for these events are now taking place instead. The events that were able to go ahead, were very successful. The power of 'Bright farming around the corner' is that they are small-scale and local, so you can visit a local farmer and really learn from his experience. We saw an increased one-on-one contact between leads, customers, the Lely Center specialists, and the farmer after the events.
Cluster Dach
#LelyDay 2020
In mid-September we held #LelyDay 2020 in the DACH Cluster. The two-day event allowed dairy farmers to register for nine different virtual farm tours. This campaign was a success and we were able to provide our Lely Centers with well-filled lead lists. To watch the tours, follow these links:
Betrieb Hackenberg
Betrieb Glökler
VG Spitzkunnersdorf e.G
Betrieb Simon Wagner
Betrieb Tramsen
Betrieb Spannhake Q KG
Marx & Wahlen GbR
Flessauer Milchproduktion GmbH
Rinderhof-Kauern GmbH
Restructuring of training program
After lockdown, we provided online learning content for Service Level 1 training, in order to secure new technicians with a place at Lely and to shorten the time spent in the training center, from three to two weeks.
If a technician is registered for training they are automatically logged in for online training for ‘Installation A4/A5’ on the Academy’s learning platform. Evidence of work and completion will be uploaded, in the form of photos.
In the subsequent classroom session (of course in compliance with the applicable Covid-19 rules), the knowledge acquired from the online course is discussed on the first day and concluded with an exam on the second day. The technicians continue with the remaining training units up to the SL 1 exam.
This new type of training means that we are now prepared for future difficult phases.

Smart Feeding Virtual Tour
Lely Atlantic recently hosted a Smart Feeding Virtual Tour to replace the Smart Feeding event that should have happened in March. There were two videos recorded at Millars farm in Northern Ireland and Griffiths farm in the UK in 360 degree view.
During the virtual webinar, Martin Kavanagh (Dairy & Beef Herd Performance Consultant) talked through topics such as feeding behaviour and feed bunk management.
- 224 registrations
- 111 attendees
- After 9pm there were still 96 attendees watching the videos
- 20+ questions asked and 70+ still on webinar until the end
Cluster France & Iberia
In the picture
Since April, we try to reconsider the communication with farmers. We have organised two webinars in partnership with milk quality specialist Eilyps, and one of the Lely Centers has organised a FMS webinar.
A big event was the Lely Virtual Tour in June. Lely Centers sent more than 20 videos from dairy farmers who explained their daily way of working with Lely robots. More than 1,600 farmers have visited our dedicated website and a lot of projects have started or been finalised thanks to this virtual event.
With the cancellation of one of our biggest exhibitions, the Space, we decided to organise an online ‘tv-show’ in September. In four days we visited four different farms and tried to answer questions from farmers. More than 300 connections were made during these four days.

Cluster Latin America – Brazil
Visit Lagoa Dourada farm
In mid-September, Lely Brazil and the owners of Lagoa Dourada farm – with one of the first Lely milking robots in Brazil – welcomed dairy farmers from North Paraná state in the south of Brazil. The farm has six Lely A4 milking robots and Lely wanted to showcase the set up and explain the Lely concept to potential new customers.
Farm owners, Nico and Ellen, were also happy to share how they quickly recouped a return on their investment in Lely robots.
The farm is supported by Lely Center Paraná but a new Lely Center, LC Agropecuária Ribeirão, is soon to be opening in the north of the region and will be managed by owner Thiago Franciscon Luis.

China Dairy Expo 2020 📸 👀
China Dairy Expo 2020 was held in mid-October, in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, China. The three-day exhibition was a huge success for Lely and we spoke to many potential customers and other interested stakeholders.
Our eye-catching stand certainly helped to generate footfall – see photos.
First Lely Astronaut A5
The first Lely Astronaut A5 in now operating in China. Not only is it Lely’s first installation, since entering the Chinese market in 2019, but also the set up was carried out remotely – due to Covid-19 restrictions. Technical teams in China and the Netherlands used digital channels, for training and support, to get the first robot up and running. And it was a great success. In August we held an Open Farm Day on the farm, which attracted 50 guests.
First Dairy XL project
China’s first Dairy XL project has also begun, on a brand-new farm in Shi Jia Zhuang, Hebei province. Twelve Lely Astronaut A5 milking robots will be installed, as well as two Lely Juno feed pushers and 12 Lely Luna cow brushes.
The farm is owned by Junlebao, the third biggest dairy processor in China. The robots will be installed after February 2021.

Cluster Oceania
Open Farm Day at Mount Gambier
In early March 2020, Lely Australia organised an Open Farm Day at Mount Gambier, South Australia. Colleagues from the cluster and Lely Center worked together to organise the event. The goal was to increase brand and product awareness, build a strong relationship with dairy industry experts, and generate leads. The pictures prove that it was a big success for Cluster Oceania and we are looking forward to future events.


Cluster North America
North America's 5,000th Lely Astronaut
This autumn, Lely is celebrating a key milestone in robotic milking with the installation of North America's 5,000th Lely Astronaut. We are excited to celebrate with the Lely Centers and dairy farmers, who have worked hard every day to help us reach this point. Our team is proud to sign our names on this historic robot. Stay tuned to witness this robot’s journey and delivery to its new owners!
Bright farming around the corner
Due to Covid-19 restrictions Lely Benelux rolled out an alternative to large face-to-face exhibitions and lead generation. Together with the six Lely Centers in the Netherlands, the Cluster organised small scale events under the name 'Bright farming around the corner'. Local, small-scale, events were organised at customers’ dairy farms.
Planned from September to December 2020, some unfortunately had to be postponed due to changing Covid-19 measures. But, that doesn’t mean that the events were cancelled entirely. One on one sessions with farmers that registered for these events are now taking place instead. The events that were able to go ahead, were very successful. The power of 'Bright farming around the corner' is that they are small-scale and local, so you can visit a local farmer and really learn from his experience. We saw an increased one-on-one contact between leads, customers, the Lely Center specialists, and the farmer after the events.
Cluster Dach
#LelyDay 2020
In mid-September we held #LelyDay 2020 in the DACH Cluster. The two-day event allowed dairy farmers to register for nine different virtual farm tours. This campaign was a success and we were able to provide our Lely Centers with well-filled lead lists. To watch the tours, follow these links:
Restructuring of training program
After lockdown, we provided online learning content for Service Level 1 training, in order to secure new technicians with a place at Lely and to shorten the time spent in the training center, from three to two weeks.
If a technician is registered for training they are automatically logged in for online training for ‘Installation A4/A5’ on the Academy’s learning platform. Evidence of work and completion will be uploaded, in the form of photos.
In the subsequent classroom session (of course in compliance with the applicable Covid-19 rules), the knowledge acquired from the online course is discussed on the first day and concluded with an exam on the second day. The technicians continue with the remaining training units up to the SL 1 exam.
This new type of training means that we are now prepared for future difficult phases.

Smart Feeding Virtual Tour
Lely Atlantic recently hosted a Smart Feeding Virtual Tour to replace the Smart Feeding event that should have happened in March. There were two videos recorded at Millars farm in Northern Ireland and Griffiths farm in the UK in 360 degree view.
During the virtual webinar, Martin Kavanagh (Dairy & Beef Herd Performance Consultant) talked through topics such as feeding behaviour and feed bunk management.
- 224 registrations
- 111 attendees
- After 9pm there were still 96 attendees watching the videos
- 20+ questions asked and 70+ still on webinar until the end
Cluster France & Iberia
In the picture
Since April, we try to reconsider the communication with farmers. We have organised two webinars in partnership with milk quality specialist Eilyps, and one of the Lely Centers has organised a FMS webinar.
A big event was the Lely Virtual Tour in June. Lely Centers sent more than 20 videos from dairy farmers who explained their daily way of working with Lely robots. More than 1,600 farmers have visited our dedicated website and a lot of projects have started or been finalised thanks to this virtual event.
With the cancellation of one of our biggest exhibitions, the Space, we decided to organise an online ‘tv-show’ in September. In four days we visited four different farms and tried to answer questions from farmers. More than 300 connections were made during these four days.

Cluster Latin America – Brazil
Visit Lagoa Dourada farm
In mid-September, Lely Brazil and the owners of Lagoa Dourada farm – with one of the first Lely milking robots in Brazil – welcomed dairy farmers from North Paraná state in the south of Brazil. The farm has six Lely A4 milking robots and Lely wanted to showcase the set up and explain the Lely concept to potential new customers.
Farm owners, Nico and Ellen, were also happy to share how they quickly recouped a return on their investment in Lely robots.
The farm is supported by Lely Center Paraná but a new Lely Center, LC Agropecuária Ribeirão, is soon to be opening in the north of the region and will be managed by owner Thiago Franciscon Luis.
China Dairy Expo 2020 📸
China Dairy Expo 2020 was held in mid-October, in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, China. The three-day exhibition was a huge success for Lely and we spoke to many potential customers and other interested stakeholders.
Our eye-catching stand certainly helped to generate footfall – see photos.
First Lely Astronaut A5
The first Lely Astronaut A5 in now operating in China. Not only is it Lely’s first installation, since entering the Chinese market in 2019, but also the set up was carried out remotely – due to Covid-19 restrictions. Technical teams in China and the Netherlands used digital channels, for training and support, to get the first robot up and running. And it was a great success. In August we held an Open Farm Day on the farm, which attracted 50 guests.

First Dairy XL project
China’s first Dairy XL project has also begun, on a brand-new farm in Shi Jia Zhuang, Hebei province. Twelve Lely Astronaut A5 milking robots will be installed, as well as two Lely Juno feed pushers and 12 Lely Luna cow brushes.
The farm is owned by Junlebao, the third biggest dairy processor in China. The robots will be installed after February 2021.
Cluster Oceania
Open Farm Day at Mount Gambier
In early March 2020, Lely Australia organised an Open Farm Day at Mount Gambier, South Australia. Colleagues from the cluster and Lely Center worked together to organise the event. The goal was to increase brand and product awareness, build a strong relationship with dairy industry experts, and generate leads. The pictures prove that it was a big success for Cluster Oceania and we are looking forward to future events.