
Our Cluster and LOLC locations virtually joined our September events.
How did they experience the Yellow Revolution event and Strategy launch?

'For events like this, we always try to gather some colleagues and watch together at the Cluster office in Fredericia and in Bydgoszcz (incl. LOLC Bydgoszcz). We do this for the Board’s new year’s speech, for example, and we also did it for the September events. The meeting room seemed a bit crowded, but that was the only room available since all other training rooms were occupied by Lely Center trainees. We always arrange coffee and snacks or a nice cake – which this time was yellow, of course!'
Jan Brøgger Rasmussen
Cluster Manager
Cluster North East

'Before the Yellow Revolution event, the Lely Center Härkingen team made predictions about what would be presented. We were all very curious! A large part of the team then gathered at the Lely Center on 10 September to watch the event together. Those who came surprisingly close with their predictions were celebrated – and were also teased a bit about where they got the information from. But generally, everyone stayed relatively quiet because they were listening intently. There was plenty of time for discussion during the barbecue that followed. Lely Zeta in particular was a big talking point. Everyone is very proud to work at such an innovative company.'
Fabian Fischer
Business Support Manager
LC Härkingen

'In Bain-de-Bretagne, the Lely France Iberia Cluster got together to watch the launch of the Impact30 strategy in a convivial atmosphere. This collective viewing marked the start of a new direction for our organisation. Together, we explored an ambitious roadmap that is propelling us towards new horizons. Each member of staff will find his or her place in this new dynamic, and the shared energy was palpable. It was an excellent opportunity to strengthen our cohesion and prepare for new challenges. A stimulating adventure is beginning for Lely France Iberia, and we're more motivated than ever to move forward together!'
Pierre Grevet
Team Lead Marketing & Communications
Cluster France Iberia

'This picture of a number of Cluster colleagues was taken in our Training Center of Excellence at the Lely Atlantic office. You can see Karl Randall, a Lely veteran, sporting a yellow Lely tie which I thought was very cool. Some of the team have their hands together in a nod to the word ‘synergy’, which we use a lot in the Cluster.
When I was growing up on our farm, I used to see these amazing Yellow Revolutions from Lely, and to watch them as part of the Lely family was pretty exciting for me.'
Joe Bramall
Service Management Super User
Cluster Atlantic

'For events like this, we always try to gather some colleagues and watch together at the Cluster office in Fredericia and in Bydgoszcz (incl. LOLC Bydgoszcz). We do this for the Board’s new year’s speech, for example, and we also did it for the September events. The meeting room seemed a bit crowded, but that was the only room available since all other training rooms were occupied by Lely Center trainees. We always arrange coffee and snacks or a nice cake – which this time was yellow, of course!'
Jan Brøgger Rasmussen
Cluster Manager
Cluster North East
'Before the Yellow Revolution event, the Lely Center Härkingen team made predictions about what would be presented. We were all very curious! A large part of the team then gathered at the Lely Center on 10 September to watch the event together. Those who came surprisingly close with their predictions were celebrated – and were also teased a bit about where they got the information from. But generally, everyone stayed relatively quiet because they were listening intently. There was plenty of time for discussion during the barbecue that followed. Lely Zeta in particular was a big talking point. Everyone is very proud to work at such an innovative company.'
Fabian Fischer
Business Support Manager
LC Härkingen

'In Bain-de-Bretagne, the Lely France Iberia Cluster got together to watch the launch of the Impact30 strategy in a convivial atmosphere. This collective viewing marked the start of a new direction for our organisation. Together, we explored an ambitious roadmap that is propelling us towards new horizons. Each member of staff will find his or her place in this new dynamic, and the shared energy was palpable. It was an excellent opportunity to strengthen our cohesion and prepare for new challenges. A stimulating adventure is beginning for Lely France Iberia, and we're more motivated than ever to move forward together!'
Pierre Grevet
Team Lead Marketing & Communications
Cluster France Iberia

'This picture of a number of Cluster colleagues was taken in our Training Center of Excellence at the Lely Atlantic office. You can see Karl Randall, a Lely veteran, sporting a yellow Lely tie which I thought was very cool. Some of the team have their hands together in a nod to the word ‘synergy’, which we use a lot in the Cluster.
When I was growing up on our farm, I used to see these amazing Yellow Revolutions from Lely, and to watch them as part of the Lely family was pretty exciting for me.'
Joe Bramall
Service Management Super User
Cluster Atlantic
Our Cluster and LOLC locations virtually joined our September events.
How did they experience the Yellow Revolution event and Strategy launch?
